User Guide
1. How to Activate Your Account:
- You will receive an activation email; click on the orange COMPLETE REGISTRATION button.
- Fill in the required fields with accurate information. Double-check everything, as this is visible to you, your mentor, and potentially future employers.
- Once submitted, you will be redirected to the DASHBOARD.
2. Navigating the Dashboard:
The DASHBOARD consists of three main tiles:
- MY INSTITUTION: Displays details about your school, college, apprenticeship provider, or workplace.
- RESOURCE LIBRARY: Your mentor can upload helpful resources here, such as videos, articles, and other materials that support your profile development.
- MY PROFILE: This is where you manage and update your profile information, upload evidence, and tag relevant skills.
3. Managing Your Profile:
- Adding Your Picture: Click on the icon next to your name to upload a photo. Select CHANGE to save the image.
- ABOUT ME: Click the pencil icon to add information about yourself. Include your interests, hobbies, subjects you enjoy, and any relevant details like sports, music, holidays or volunteer work. You can even add your personal statement from your CV. Remember to click the TICK at the top to save your work.
- EMPLOYMENT: To add employment experience, click the ‘+’ icon on the right. This includes full-time jobs, volunteering, work experience, etc.
- QUALIFICATIONS: Click the ‘+’ to add your qualifications. Include your school, qualification name, and relevant dates. If you haven’t completed a qualification yet, leave the end date blank.
4. Skills and Evidence:
- Skills: Skills are divided into three categories: Personal Skills, Practical Skills, and Interests/Achievements. Each skill is marked with a lightbulb: green means evidence is attached, and red indicates no evidence. Click on an individual skill to display your attached evidence of that skill.
- Evidence Library: At the top of your profile, the EVIDENCE section allows you to view and upload evidence. Remember to upload evidence before tagging skills. If you make a mistake, you must delete and re-upload the evidence.
- Uploading Evidence: Click the box at the top to upload your files (e.g., documents, images, or videos). After uploading, change the file name to briefly describe the evidence.
- Tagging Skills: Under each piece of evidence, click the RELATED SKILLS box to tag relevant skills. Skills are listed alphabetically in each of the three categories – Personal, Practical and Interests/achievements. Select all applicable skills, ensuring they are relevant to the evidence. A piece of evidence will most likely have several skills to attach. Tag as many relevant skills as you can.
- Upload: Once you are satisfied with the tagged skills, click UPLOAD to add them to your profile. Uploaded evidence cannot be changed unless re-uploaded.
5. Employability Passport:
- The Employability Passport (if relevant) consists of seven core sections, each with a traffic light system. Red indicates no evidence, amber shows partial evidence, and green means three or more pieces of evidence have been added. You will find the employability passport categories at the bottom of the skills categories. Attach these at the same time as your other skill tags.
6. Other Sections (if applicable): You will see these on the left hand side of your profile.
- Organisations: View a list of businesses and organisations. Click on their tiles for more information and access their websites.
- Messages: If enabled, this feature allows you to send messages to mentors or employers. All messages go through your mentor for approval before being sent. This is only relevant if your mentor has given you the go-ahead.
- Opportunities: View and apply for relevant opportunities like work experience or paid employment. Alternatively, it could be an event or activity organised within your school. If applicable, your mentor will approve your application before it is sent to the employer.
- My Applications: Track the status of your applications (accepted, declined, or pending).
7. Resources – Videos and Articles:
This section is available to all users, containing videos and articles that provide inspiration, career tips, and advice.
Admin Login Guide
You will be sent an email to activate your account.
As an Admin, your role involves setting up accounts, inviting mentors, and managing resources.
- Dashboard: Upon login, you will see the DASHBOARD with options for:
- MY PROFILE: Set up basic profile information.
- MY ORGANISATION: Manage your organisation’s details and upload resources to the RESOURCE LIBRARY.
- INVITE USER: Invite mentors or admins by entering their details. You can invite multiple users at once via BULK INVITE USERS by uploading a CSV file.
- Mentors are unlimited but an email address can only be used once. For an additional email please contact Tom Thompson.
Admin permissions allow viewing Organisations, Users, Messages, Opportunities, and Resources.
Mentor Login Guide
You will be sent an email to activate your account.
As a Mentor, your role is to guide and monitor users.
- Dashboard: Upon login, you will see the DASHBOARD with the following options:
- MY PROFILE: View and manage your mentor profile.
- MY ORGANISATION: View information about your organisation (editable by Admin).
- Invite User: Invite users and other mentors.
- Bulk Upload: Upload multiple users via a CSV file. We’re always on hand to help. Send us a spreadsheet with first name, last name and user email address and we’ll do the rest.
- Alternatively, You can upload an unlimited amount of users/students using this tool. Simply click the bulk upload tile, select your organisation, click choose file, select your CSV file and press invite.
- The CSV must have the following headers in this order. User Role (in most cases this is the word CANDIDATE), First Name, Last Name, Email
- Organisations: View and manage details about businesses or organisations listed on your platform. You can also view user applications, approve, and reject them in this menu.
- Users: Monitor user profiles, edit details including year and form group, or resend invitations to users where necessary.
- Messages: Approve or decline messages between users and external parties.
- Opportunities: Manage current opportunities and track user applications.
- Candidate Applications: View and manage user applications for available opportunities.