Everyone is welcome!
It is important to us that our users enjoy using the platform, and believe they should be able to do so free of abuse, harassment and negative input from others. We expect users to treat each other with respect and adhere to our community guidelines. We have a duty of care to all of our users and will respond to any incidents or concerns where we feel the need to safeguard our users.
Every user is expected to be civil and act respectfully and responsibly.
- Do not bully other users: We do not allow users to bully, abuse, degrade or intimidate others. This includes abusive language or revealing the personal information of others. Inciting others to engage in abusive behaviour is also not accepted.
- Do not incite hate or engage in hateful behaviour: We will not tolerate any behaviour that attacks, degrades or discriminates against any person or group. This includes threatening, inciting or engaging with prejudicial or discriminatory action or content, criminal activity, violence, hatred or divisive action. This also includes openly disrespecting cultural events (such as religious events or pride events for example). Startingpoint is not to be used to support such actions.
- Do not make unwanted advances: Startingpoint will not tolerate inappropriate advances, relationships, sexual advances or lewd remarks, innuendo or other language.
- Do not post inappropriate material: We expect users to post content appropriate to the purpose of the platform. We will not tolerate the posting of shocking material, including (but not limited to) of a sexual, violent, criminal, sadistic, terrorist, radical or discriminatory nature or otherwise offensive material. Users are not to post material that promotes illegal products or activity. Users are not to post material that could encourage self harm (such as suicide, eating disorders etc). Terrorist or extreme / radical / cult organisations or groups have no place on Startingpoint.
Every user is expected to be honest and trustworthy.
- Do not post false or misleading content: Users are not to share content that is knowingly inaccurate or misleading. This includes misinformation or disinformation, fake news, political views or images, or content that has manipulated real information to serve an ulterior motive or agenda of the user. Users are not to share content or endorse other users or services in exchange for personal gain.
- Do not create fake profiles: users are expected to maintain their profile in a way that is not deemed fake, misleading or deceptive. This includes the use of images, videos and other media as well as personal details. Users are not permitted to use another users account, share account details or post on behalf of another user.
- Do not post or share harmful content: Users are not to use Startingpoint to distribute spam material, viruses, harmful software or anything that can disturb or disrupt other users enjoyment of the platform.
- Respect the privacy of others: Do not post or share the personal details, contact details or images of other users.
- Respect intellectual copyright: Users are not to copy or plagiarise the work of others. This includes trademarks, patents, trade secrets or content from documents, images or other media.
Any user found to be violating these guidelines will have their account suspended pending investigation. Users can raise concerns by emailing complaints@mystartingpoint.co.uk. Any user found to be in violation of these guidelines following an investigation will have their account terminated immediately.