Hosting Volunteer Opportunities

We connect motivated and skilled young volunteers with high calibre organisations seeking to make a positive impact

Attract Talented Volunteers With Startingpoint

At Startingpoint, we connect motivated and skilled young volunteers with high calibre organisations seeking to make a positive impact. By hosting volunteer opportunities on our platform, you can not only enrich your workforce but also contribute to the development of the future talent pool. Volunteers often seek opportunities to enhance their CVs and job prospects while making meaningful contributions to the community.

Amazing Volunteers

Fresh Perspectives

Young volunteers bring new ideas and energy to your projects, often injecting creativity and innovation into traditional practices.

Skill Development

By training volunteers, you also build a potential recruitment pool familiar with your organisation’s culture and objectives.

Community Engagement

Showcase your commitment to social responsibility by engaging with the community and enhancing your organisation’s public image.

How to Attract Volunteers

Create Engaging Opportunities

Offer roles that provide real impact and learning opportunities, going beyond routine tasks to involve strategic projects or creative initiatives.

Support and Training

Provide clear guidance and training to your volunteers. This not only helps them perform effectively but also enhances their learning experience, making the role more fulfilling.

Recognise Contributions

Acknowledging the hard work and achievements of your volunteers can lead to higher satisfaction and retention. Consider implementing reward systems or certification for their efforts.

The Startingpoint Advantage


Our platform is full of enthusiastic young individuals looking for opportunities to gain experience and make a difference. By listing your opportunities with us, you gain direct access to this vibrant community.

Easy Management Tools

Startingpoint provides tools to easily manage applications, track volunteer hours, and communicate with candidates, simplifying the administrative aspects of volunteer coordination. Our secure messaging system is completely safeguarded and fully encrypted with security measures are in place to comply with GDPR and keep your data safe.

Community of Support

Join a network of like-minded organisations, share best practices, and participate in forums and events that promote a collaborative approach to volunteer engagement.

Get Involved

If you’re looking to attract passionate, skilled, and driven volunteers, Startingpoint is the perfect platform to meet your needs. Partner with us to tap into a pool of young talent eager to contribute and learn. Explore how you can connect with volunteers who are not just looking for experience but are also committed to making a positive difference in the community.

Happy Customers